A web-site about cultural heritage, regional development and social life.

Communities around Europe

Erasmus + Strategic Partnership for Education, 2019-1-RO01-KA201-063189

”Developing educational techniques starting from regional context”

        Conținutul paginilor create pentru acest website sunt dedicate comunităților locale din Europa. În parteneriatul strategic între școli, derulat prin programul Erasmus+, elevii din mai multe școli europene au decis să prezinte comunitățile din care fac parte, din punctul de vedere al moștenirii culturale.

         Pentru că activitățile unei școli trebuie să fie aduse în atenția comunității educționale. website-ul aduce în atenția publicului evenimente școlare și campanii de educație menite să aducă impact asupra comunității.

Our Content

Traditional wear

Traditional wear demonstrates the bonds between traditional handcraft, artistic talent and local fabrics and raw materials. Every ethnic group has its own way of producing and decoratin clothes. Common elements may be found on European popular costumes. Let's discover them!

Traditional music

Music is another important cultural element that has different particularities according to a geographic location and to a ethnic group. As a common element, music is a way of expressing various feelings, of transmiting the joy of life and healing souls. Listen our hearts!

Popular motifs

Eimbrodery, painting ceramics, decorating domestic buildings, pupets shows, religious symbolic objects are means of bringing regional specific on our environments. Just have a look to everithing that makes us Europeans!

”Culture is not made up, but something that evolves, which is human.”

Edward T. Hall

        A tradition is a belief or behavior (folk custom) passed down within a group or society with symbolic meaning or special significance with origins in the past.
        Popular tradition are aslo ways to bring the community together, to reunite religious custom with secular customs, in order to pass cultural heritage from one generation to another.


Economic development

         A region development has a big importance on every aspects of life, influencing life quality, cultural development and health. For these reasons, we made an annalisys regarding   traditional industry, modern industry and agriculture of home regions of partners involved in the project.

What makes a region special?

The answer is: its traditions, its heritage passed down from one generation to another, from the past to the future.


  “The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the National Agency and Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”.